Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Post-Modernist Site - SLUT Walk; Research, Ideation, Images

So we have to create a post-modernist website for some sort of event (sporting, awareness raising, etc.). It has to be two pages, a home page and a linked secondary page. I decided to do mine on SLUT Walk. A protest movement that started in Toronto, Canada in 2011 after a Toronto police officer said that to prevent rape that women should "avoid dressing like sluts".

Basically the idea behind the walk and subsequent movement is the fact that what women/men/transpeople/genderqueers wear are not invitations to be raped and have absolutely no bearing on whether or not they are raped. That the term "slut" is a misogynistic invention intending on discrediting women based upon their appearance and give credence to the idea that someone is "asking for it" by their dress.

The walks generally consist of women/men/transpeople/genderqueers dressed in provocative dress, with things like "SLUT" or "No Means No" written on their exposed skin, holding signs that say things like "Not asking for it!" or "My little black dress doesn't mean yes!". There are also rape survivors who take part, many known for wearing the clothes (or clothes similar to what they we wearing) when their raped occurred with signs saying things like "This is what I wore when I was raped. Was I asking for it?"

SLUT Walk doesn't have a definitive site as it's new and every changing, but they have various FB pages for the different walks around the US and world. Here are some pictures from various SLUT Walks:

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